Summer 2010/11 Full Set
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Derek Tidball
TALK 1 Wounds Too Deep to Heal (Micah 1:1–2:13)
TALK 2 Disaster Management (Micah 2:1–13)
TALK 3 Where’s It All Going to End? (Micah 4:1–8)
TALK 4 Is There Any Hope?
TALK 5 God’s Now! (Micah 4:9–5:15)
TALK 6 What Does God Want? (Micah 6:1–8)
TALK 7 Is There Another God Like This? (Micah 7:8–20)
Richard Condie
TALK 1 Keep Awake! (Mark 13)
TALK 2 We Belong to the Day (1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11)
TALK 3 Where Is This Promise of His Coming? (2 Peter 3)
TALK 4 Here Comes the King (Revelation 19)
TALK 5 In View of His Appearing… (2 Timothy 4:1–8)
TALK 6 Let the Nations Be Glad (Psalm 67)
TALK 7 What Must Soon Take Place (Revelation 21–22)
Dianne Tidball
SEMINAR Seven Marks of a Healthy Church
SEMINAR Prayer—Out of the Rut and Into the Depths