Summer 2015/16 Full Set

Summer 2015/16 Full Set

Regular price $20.00 $20.00 Sale

Ajith Fernando
TALK 1  A New Mission  (Mark 1:14–15, 21–34)
TALK 2  A Radical Community  (Mark 1:16–20, 40–42 & 2:15–22)
TALK 3  The Lord Who Is a Servant  (Mark 5:1–6:35)
TALK 4  The Cost for Christ and Us  (Mark 8:27–9:29)
TALK 5  The Heart of True Greatness  (Mark 9:30–10:45)
TALK 6  The Absoluteness of the Gospel of Jesus  (Mark 4:1–25 & 7:2–23)
TALK 7  The King on a Cross  (Mark 11–15)
SEMINAR  Uniqueness of Christianity

Mike Raiter
TALK 1  When God’s Patience Runs Out  (Judges 1:1–3:6)
TALK 2  The King Who Had a Bellyful  (Judges 3:12–30)
TALK 3  Salvation Belongs to Our God  (Judges 6 & 7)
TALK 4  The Abominable Abimelech  (Judges 9)
TALK 5  Will the Real Jephthah Please Stand Up  (Judges 10:6–12:7)
TALK 6  Failure Is Not Final  (Judges 13–16)
TALK 7  Right in Their Own Eyes  (Judges 17–21)
SEMINAR  Let’s Sing